
Services User Acceptance Testing

Timeframe December 2020


Project #

Meetup is a platform for finding and building local communities. People use Meetup to meet new people, learn new things, find support, get out of their comfort zones, and pursue their passions, together.

In December 2020, I conducted User Acceptance Tests on three use cases with several sub-tasks on the Meetup website.

Objective #

The purpose of this testing is to perform User Acceptance Testing to determine if it is possible for a visually impaired person using a specified screen reader and browser to complete these tasks. This testing focused on the screen reader user experience. It did not focus on finding WCAG failures.

Work #

Use cases:

  1. Sign Up Flow
    a. Start (Logged Out Home)
    b. Sign Up Options
    c. Email Confirmation
    d. Profile Photo
    e. Main Reasons for Joining
    f. Interests
    g. Narrow It Down
  2. Join Group Flow – Immediate
  3. Event RSVP Flow

Tools used:

  • Assistive Technology Device - JAWS 2020
  • Browser - Chrome (version 87)
  • Operating System - Windows 10

End Result #

The results for the website demonstrated the use case #1 (Sign Up Flow) had minor to moderate issues, whereas use case #2 (Join Group Flow) and use case #3 (Event RSVP Flow) had more serious usability issues to address – especially when modals were involved.

Team #

The team for this project included two representatives from Meetup and a project manager from Deque. I was responsible for the testing and creating the UAT report based on workflows created by the client.

Reflection #

It was interesting working with a large company on their sign-up flow as this process is fundamental to their digital product and could impact many users.