Taoti Creative

Services User Acceptance Testing

Timeframe March 2020

Taoti Creative

Project #

Taoti Creative is a full-service creative agency using 25 years of experience to drive impactful outcomes for clients.

In March 2020, I conducted User Acceptance Tests on eight use cases on various website pages.

Objective #

The purpose of this testing was to perform User Acceptance Testing to determine if it was possible for a visually impaired person using a specified screen reader and browser to complete these tasks. This testing focused on the screen reader user experience. It did not focus on finding WCAG failures.

Work #

Use cases:

  1. Contact Form
  2. Accessibility Statement
  3. Find a Program
  4. Explore Resources
  5. Site Search
  6. Landing Pages - Video Block
  7. Dashboard
  8. Calendar

Tools used:
Assistive Technology - NVDA 2019
Browser - Firefox (version 73)
Operating System - Windows 10

End Result #

The results for the website demonstrated a high degree of tasks that required only “moderate” effort that could be made even more accessible by incorporating additional modifications. There were two tasks (#1 - Contact form and #8 - Calendar) labeled as “hard” and one “failure” (#6 - Landing pages) that will need additional review.

Team #

The team for this project included one representative from Taoti Creative, plus a project manager from Deque. I was responsible for the testing and creating the UAT report based on workflows created by the client and myself.

Reflection #

By the time I received this UAT assignment, the client had already gone through a few rounds of UAT review previously, so about half of the UAT confirmed changes that the client made. The other half of the user tests focused on new features and fresh reviews.